Saturday 31 December 2016

Dry Skin

The way dry skin looks is not the major issue about the skin type, but how your skin feels is. People with dry skin type feel stretch or tightness on their face, until the skin is moisturized. Sometimes, on applying moisturizer to super-dry skin, you might feel a sensation like pins and needles. Your skin might feel even more stretched after washing and might get flaky giving a patchy and dull look especially in winters. If you skip moisturizer, fine lines might appear and in severe cases itching and redness might also occur. Pimples, black/white heads and open pores are not the major issues in your skin type.
Skin and Weather
  • In humid weather though the dryness of your skin might decrease, you still cannot stay without moisturizer for more than a day or two. 
  • In dry weather, your skin gets very dry and tight and you cannot stay without moisturizer for even a single day. You might even have to apply moisturizer several times a day. 
Dry skin might not look bad, but the feeling of stretch and tightness needs to be taken care of with the right skin care routine. Of course moisturizer is your best friend, but a right kind of face wash that does not strip already depleted natural moisturizing factors can be a savior as well.
The choice of active ingredients depending on other key skin concerns like:
  • Sensitivity: The care of sensitive skin is based on hit and trial method to avoid those ingredients that might trigger breakouts and incorporate soothing ingredients.
  • Pigmentation: You have to use skin-lightening cream at night and sunscreen during day time as detailed Skin care Routine and treatment for Hyperpigmentation.
  • Aging: If you have hit 30’s, anti-aging solution is recommended in the form of regular use of sunscreen and anti-aging night moisturizer.


Dry skin is already depleted of its stores of natural moisturizing factors, thus the right type of face wash that does not further strip natural moisturizing factors is paramount. Creamy cleansers that do not foam or lather vigorously are preferred because they are devoid of harsh surfactants. Words like “soap-free” or “non-foaming” on the label ensure that the face wash is devoid of harsh surfactants.
Prefer basic version and avoid ingredients like salicylic acid, neem and tea-tree oil because they might irritate your dry skin. You should wash your face at least twice in a day. After washing, always pat your face dry with a soft towel to leave it slightly wet; and apply cream immediately to trap the water left on the skin.
Sunscreens are an essential part of skin care regime to ward of the harmful effects of UV rays on your face. Here are some tips:
  • Higher the SPF of sunscreen the oilier it is; so you can use sunscreen with SPF 30+ for around 15-30 minutes before stepping out in the bright sun.
  • Look on the label of sunscreen for words like “Gentle/for Sensitive skin/hypo-allergenic” to ensure that the product is devoid of possible allergens and irritants, especially if your skin is sensitive (DS, DSP skin types).


Night is the time when you can replenish the lost natural moisturizer of dry skin by using a thick moisturising cream because the active ingredients of the cream stays and gets absorb into your skin without the environmental influence of dust, dirt wind, sun, pollution etc. at night.
Whatever night moisturizer you choose: skin lightening, anti-wrinkle or soothing; make sure that it is in a cream base. Lets explain this point further, thicker the moisturizer more is the moisturizing capacity; so creams are for dry skin, lotion for combination skin and serums for oily skin.
The active ingredients in a night cream depend on key skin concerns. So, if the skin is sensitive, always begin with handling the sensitive skin; once your skin is already calm, concentrate on skin lightening and finally anti-aging. Anytime your skin breakouts, go back to sensitive skin care regime, and then begin with skin lightening regime or anti-aging as needed.
As you grow old, dead cells are retained on the surface of skin, imparting a dull and patchy look to your skin, and exfoliation of these dead cells might revert the even-toned look. To avoid such condition scrubbing is essential. You can scrub at home by using mild scrubs that are mean for daily use because dry skin type might not tolerate regular scrubs.

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