Friday, 2 December 2016

Abnormal or excessive hair

Abnormal or excessive hair that grows on one’s body and face is the result of a medical condition called hirsutism. All women have facial and body hair, but the hair is usually very fine and light in color. Hirsutism is marked by abnormal hair growth on the face and other areas of the body. 

Hirsutism primarily occurs in women, but sometimes men can develop an increased growth of body hair, too. In the begininng hirsute patients might notice a few thick dark hairs on their chin or chest, eventually these strands of hair increase in number to cover the chin, upper lip, cheeks, groin and centre of chest & belly. The hair on limbs might also get thicker and denser. Acne, weight gain, changes in menstrual cycle, difficulty in conceiving is the other associated features.

The reasons behind getting abnormal or excessive hair growth
Due to the predominance of female hormones in their body the hair growth in a female is different from that of males. The increase in male hormones in the body of women leads to the decrease in feminine features like menstrual cycles and fertility. It may also cause increase in the masculine features namely hirsutism, weight gain, acne and rarely hoarse voice. Male hormones called androgen might increase in females in the following conditions:  
·         Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD): This is the most common cause of getting hirsutism; characterised by the presence of many small cysts in the ovaries.
·         Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: This is a congenital disorder in which the enzyme required for hormone synthesis is deficient and male-like features develop in a girl child. However, the onset of this disorder can occur in adults, and it might present with Hirsutism as the only manifestation.
·         Medications: Like minoxidil, diazoxide, corticosteroid, phenytoin can cause increased hair growth but not necessarily in male like distribution.
·         Idiopathic: The cases of hirsutism that do not reveal any changes in the level of hormones or any abnormality on scans upon investigation are termed as Idiopathic. This sub-category has an end organ hyper-responsiveness to the normal levels of androgen.
·         Rare cause: These include Cushing disease, Acromegaly, Prolactin secreting pituitary tumours, ovarian tumours, etc. The tumours usually present themselves with the rapid onset of Hirsutism, with all other accompanying features of virilisation.

The treatment of unwanted hair or excessive hair growth

Hirsutism is no more a nightmare with the advent of LASER technology. However, it is better to get yourself investigated to rule out the cause of increased hair growth along with opting for LASERS. The treatment of the underlying cause would not only help in reducing the formation of new thick dark hair but also help in reducing the growth of existing hair. LASER is more effective for following reasons:
  • Damage to the surrounding skin remains minimal in LASER treatment by only targeting the hair.
  • This treatment works best for patients no matter with fair skin or dark.
  • There are now lasers specifically designed for darker skin, so laser hair removal could be an available option for every patient. However, the procedure needs to be done very carefully in darker-skinned patients, because the melanin in the surrounding skin could absorb the laser and cause dark spots, or a loss of pigment (white spots on the skin).
  • On average, six to eight treatments produce an 80 percent improvement in permanent hair reduction.
  • If a patient has an underlying medical condition and is treated for excess hair, there is a risk that the hormonal imbalance will convert fine hair to thicker hair over time. In this instance, one or two maintenance treatments may be needed to maintain the hair reduction.
Abnormal hair growth could signal an underlying medical condition, so that’s why it’s important to see a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. Fortunately, there are a number of safe and effective treatment options for excess hair growth, so there is no reason that anyone should just live with this condition.

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